The Kansas Task Force on Chinese Language Training, a statewide group of policymakers, educators, and business leaders, has released a public report detailing the current status of Chinese language programs in Kansas, opportunities and challenges for future development, and a series of specific policy recommendations. This report is an important first step in starting a statewide discussion on the need for increased Chinese language capacity throughout the Kansas education system.
From the Executive Summary of the Report:
Americans are increasingly recognizing the rise of China as one of the most important developments of the 21st century. With China’s impressive economic growth and rapid emergence as an international leader, the need to train more American students in the Chinese language is immediate and pressing. How to meet the urgent need for more training in the Chinese language is a challenge now being actively discussed by educational leaders across the United States....
Although the development of a robust infrastructure for Chinese language training in Kansas may seem like an intimidating journey, now is the time to take that all-important first step. A broadly based commitment to building Chinese language capacity, especially in Kansas schools, is essential to the future prosperity, dynamism, and well-being of our youth, our communities, and our state.