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March 08, 2008


tom watkins

Tom watkins
Go to College Board and see application to take teachers to china.
Also, I have a two part series in the Oakland Press -- taking a look at China-- 30 years of looking in the rearview mirror.
[email protected]

burberry uk

Our next generations will live in a very different economic and geopolitical world. A five year old starting in a Mandarin immersion program this year will be only 37 in 2040 and only 47 in 2050. Please think what skills they will need to survive and thrive."


As I told our Oregon Senate committee: "consider now what a foreign economic market twice or three times the size of the US market just across the Pacific Ocean from Oregon would mean.

ray ban sale

Without thinking these considerations through now, neither you nor the general public can understand the priority, the scale,

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