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December 14, 2010


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from my perspective, the attendees did not even begin to grapple with the important opening remark of its first guest speaker. Lenny Mendonca, Director, McKinsey and Company

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Oregon is headed for a fiscal catastrophe unless its leaders make dramatic changes in the way the government spends its money and delivers services, business leaders told state officials Monday.


President Obama, in calling for a doubling of US exports over the next four years, recently said “This is where America’s jobs will be tomorrow. Ninety five percent of the world’s customers and fastest growing markets are beyond our borders.” Obama’s view is not reflected in the Oregon Business Plan’s initiatives.

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I did not note any movement by the attendees, Oregon’s business and political elites, to respond to or embrace his suggestion. They are still in denial. And they are, as the Oregonian rightly reported, preoccupied with jobs (very narrowly envisioned) and the state budget. Pity.

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Part of the response to the shift in wealth from West to East, IMHO, should be more Mandarin and study abroad in Asia programs in our public schools. Unfortunately, I don’t think these issues were on the Leadership Summit agenda. Pity.

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